「自殺防治學」為台灣自殺防治學會所出版之同儕評審且開放取用(open access)之學術雜誌。凡與自殺防治相關之跨專業領域學術論著,均為本誌刊載之對象,但以未曾投稿於其它雜誌者為限。
《自殺防治網通訊》已出版屆滿16年,自2022年起轉型更名為學術型《自殺防治學》雜誌(Journal of Suicidology,JoS),其卷期仍接續原《自殺防治網通訊》(Newsletter for Suicide Prevention Network),2022年三月將發行第17卷第1期。通訊聯誼部分亦將於本會官網設立專區持續拓展,已強化網網相連的原動力。 本會已申請國際數位物件識別碼(DOI, Digital Object Identifier) 及國際標準期刊號(International Standard Serial Number,ISSN),並與「華藝數位」公司簽約,擬透過專業資訊平台,使刊登於JoS之論文,能即時讓普羅大眾隨即取用。JoS將展為英文期刊,但於出版初期,亦歡迎同仁使用中文投稿,JoS將邀請日韓及其他東南亞或歐美國家自殺防治專家學者共同編輯與投稿。相信JoS的問世能提高國人在國際自殺防治領域的能見度。
Work together to Prevent Suicide
Suicide is a major health and social issue worldwide. Suicidality is defined as deliberately hurting oneself with an intent to die, which covers a broad range of terms, from suicidal ideations, suicide plans, suicide attempts and even completed suicides. A growing number of evidence indicates that suicide is a complex issue involving integrated process of bio-psycho-social and cultural interaction. Therefore, its prevention and intervention needs to consider multidisciplinary and multidimensional approaches across different timeline. Numerous studies have found that neurobiological factors in concert with psychosocial factors play a crucial role in development of suicidality.
In order to enhance widely and effectively the communication and collaboration between various professional fields of suicide researches, the Taiwanese Society of Suicidology (TSOS) launches the Journal of Suicidology (JOS) from March, 2022. The JOS is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, published quarterly, and welcomes the submission of articles from multidisciplinary fields of suicidology. The categories of articles published include: editorials, letters to the editor, review articles, original articles, special articles, and case reports.
The process of manuscript review and publication will be objective and efficient. When the accepted manuscript finally approved, it will have its own DOI number and immediately appear online without publication fee for open access. Other than scientific merits, efficacy and immediateness in management as well as prompt dissemination of the original work are our basic concerns. The JoS collaborates with Airiti Inc. and all the published articles are indexing in Google Scholar and linking to Naver, ExLibris (primo), EBSCO, Baidu, and more than 1043 international and Taiwan libraries. We really assure that the originality and findings of the scientist's works can be widely shared and cited worldwide.